Have you ever watched Star Trek? Well if you have recently then you know what I'm talking about. Right now I'm half man, half machine, and I have parts in me that I was not born with.
I've had a shoulder Reconstruction. So here is what happened: Large incision in my right shoulder so the Doc could shave the tip of my clavicle, remove the meniscus and quote "shredded pieces of the cartilage and ligaments" that used to be my shoulder. He also removed a bunch of 'shredded' muscle, and determined that "that was never going to be right". After the carnage was removed he drilled two holes in my clavicle to attach an 'alograph' tendon (a cadaver piece of tissue) using two bio-absorbable anchors.
So I feel pretty good about the whole thing. I was given some GREAT drugs in the hospital. There is no secret why you cant get these at the corner drug store! If I could I'd be a very happy, very non-productive, member of society - kinda.
After traveling all over the state getting second opinions I'm glad that I went with my guy. He did an awesome job and I barely have a scar (bummer ;-).
The after drugs seem to be a total let down. yeah they dull the pain, but where is the drug euphoria?!? But how could they compete with the IV stuff right? Seriously though they do work as I have found out today as my Rx ran out. I had no idea I was in this much pain! Good thing for me I can have more starting tomorrow.
The good news about running out of drugs is that I got to have my first beer in what seemed to be a really long time. I have no idea why people get addicted to pain killers - beer is sooooo much better!
Well, I think that is enough for tonight. Sorry that there are no recipes. I'll work on that since I've got a bunch just waiting.
meanwhile, I hate to cyber-beg, but I'll take donations to the new bike/medical expenses/car deduct able fund @ bigsky17@yahoo.com via pay pal.
just checking your blog...man you live some exciting life! Hope your shoulder is doing well and you get to race IMFL.
Mikey in Texas
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