Saturday, September 22, 2007

Soooooo Frustrated...

I'm going on almost nine weeks in the sling. Since the crash I did a month of healing for no reason, followed by surgery, follwed by another month in the sling. I know I have to do it to get better, but that does not make it any better. I can't drive, I can hardly cook, and I surely can't train. My shoulder is in nearly constat pain, and I have not had a good night of sleep since the accident. Ugh...
IMFL is looming on the horizon. I had actually convinced myself it was in a week - I think just to have it over. I just sent in my withdral on the 14th (the day before the deadline) and it made it seem all the more real. I'm tired of being called 'gimp' or 'criple' even as a joke. I'll never use those terms in passing ever again.
Shoulder watch is a big frustration. How am I doing? Crappy. The mother hurts, and it does not move very much. I know that the greatest athletes are forged from fire, but I never really understood that the fire happened during our lives.
I will be stronger and faster after this, I have to be. The 10hr IM does not seem like a goal anymore, it is a requirement. If I can suffer like this for nine weeks, I can suffer on the course for 10 hours.
I suppose there is some good in this afterall.
Peace. No worries. Just another step to victory.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Post IM Depression... And then some

Wow. Talk about a kick in the butt.

I was just at IMoo (Ironman Wisconsin) to support my training buddy Cris Ferrone. Cris is a little tiny woman, weighing in at about 85lbs soaking wet and she is an IRONMAN. She looked so great the whole time it made me wonder if I had the stuf to be an IRONMAN.

Her race was perfect. She got out of the water right on time (1:42) only 5 min after I thought she would. That time was great for her, since she is not the big swimmer.

All smiles out of the water and up the helix (for those that don't know the helix is a cruel 5 floor wind of a parking garage) to her bike. we were lucky enough to get a pic from above.

On to the bike and another spot on time 7.5 hours and some change right on schedule.

Then it started to happen... Cris started to CRUSH the run! She was so fast the we thought that we had lost her, and then she was there,well ahead of schedule, and smiling from ear to ear! Her she is looking great.

I think the run was harder on us than her. look at this form!

We saw her at the finish, and she looked like an IRONMAN.

Cris is HTFU she is tough beyond words, She is MY inspiration, she is IRONMAN!

Congrats to you Cris, against all odds, you did it!