Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Vacation is Over. Time to Get Focused

Well I'm now about 7 months post-op so I'm running out of excuses to not get back to business. Shoulder Update: This thing is still not right, but at least now I can do a couple of push ups, well seven actually. It is still pretty crunchy in there but at least now it is mostly just noise and not terribly painful. Weight Update: This is not good, as of yesterday I'm over 192lbs, yikes. i still have until mid March before I go to Florida for a little fun in the sun, so technically I stil have enough time to get back to fighting weight, but the question is if I still have the resolve.
One thing that will certainly keep me motivated though is the Navy SEAL fitness challange that both Becky and I have signed up for. It is the standardized test for BUDS school and it is coming to Dearborn so you can compare yourself against some of the best military operatos in the world.