Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Day 10 - I am Not a Morning Person

6:30 am it is dark and 35 deg outside, and it does not feel much warmer in the house at this point either. After a double run yesterday and a swim with a 10K the day before I am a little sore and despite the fact that I went to bed at 10:00 last night, the thought of getting out of bed to go to the pool is akin to the thought of climbing Everest in my boxer shorts.
Knowing that this was the first of many early mornings to come I mustered the strength to get out of bed after only one slap of the snooze bar. I shuffled to the pool motivated only by the promise of a nice soak in the jacuzzi afterwords to try to loosen my very tight legs. By some miracle I was able to snag a lane right as I walked onto the deck, little did I know that this was more a cruel joke by some higher power since after the cold shower in the locker room, the pool seemed even colder.
The swim was great for about the first 100 yards when my shoulders began to talk back to me about my workout on Monday. I pushed through and eventually managed to get in some drills (all that I could remember of Brian's workout instructions although I'm still not sure what 8x100kddsp:10 means.) I did wimp out and cut the swim pretty short today since I thought that my shoulders were going to let go of my arms and I was going to have to drive home with my feet (pretty hard since I drive a stick).
Ahhhhhhhh.... at least the jacuzzi is nice and hot. The warmth and the bubbles are almost enough to make me forget about the noxious odor of chlorine and bromine that remind me of what the woolly mammoths at Labrea must have smelled right before their impending demise.
even though I only managed a 25 min swim I am very hungry and must return home to eat. Last night there was scarcely a carb in sight and it is to this that I will now blame my less than stellar performance in the pool. Grilled Chicken Salad is a favorite for weight management, but should be supplemented with breakfast if I'm swimming in the morning.
Hopefully a couple cups of the freshly brewed Sumatra French Roast that is waiting for me in the kitchen will put a little pep back in my step.
For those that are interested here is the very fast dinner that we had last night (under 20 min if the chicken is thawed)
Grilled Chicken Salad

Marinate chicken breasts in balsamic vinegar, S/P, EVOO, and dried Basil for at least 5-10 min (while the grill gets hot)

Salad - Romaine (and baby spinach if you can find it) Tomato, Red Pepper, Red onion, Feta, Parmesan, Avocado.
I like Newman's Own Balsamic Vinegrette but it's good with just about any dressing.
Grill the chicken for about 5 min per side, and dice up to put into the salad.

Quick, easy, and good for you.

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