Monday, November 13, 2006

Day 8 - I'm a Big Fat Fattie

Let's just say that the eat, drink and be merry side of me has been winning the battle of the belt line the last few days. Dinner out on Thursday, dinner out on Friday, the oh so good Chicken Chili for Dinner on Saturday, and Sunday, plus a Brunch Buffet on Sunday have pushed my weight up to 188.2 lbs. Whoaa!! My daily runs of 4 mi were no match for the caloric intake the last week which means that I am now up about three pounds instead of down three pounds like I thought that I would be. Have no worries, this is not where I turn all "M'anorexic" and sink into depression, but it is where the workouts start to get turned up.

Thanks to my coach Brian at Accelerate 3 Coaching this week marks the beginning of two a days. I have already been to the pool today to do some drills and remember what it is like to be wet. Let me just say that there is really no accurate way to describe that first day back in the pool after a long layoff, it is simultaneously like returning home, and wishing that you hadn't. That smell of chlorine, which will now linger with me for the next year, that freezing water, and all those muscles that start to talk back at about the 750 yd marker. Yes boys and girls, I will certainly be sore tomorrow.

Tonight I will also be running with Ben, even though it will be very dark, and very cold. I'm actually looking forward to it since we will be crossing over a bit of a mile stone, 26.2 official miles into training. Kinda scary to think that it took me a week worth of running to go this far, and a year from now I'll be doing it after 112 mi on the bike.

Since the only thing that I cooked over the weekend caused me to gain four pounds, I'm not sure if I really should share it, but just in case anyone out there has just been rescued from a desert island or needs carbo load in a hurry, here it is.

DISCLAIMER: This food is addictive. Once you start to eat you will have the uncontrollable urge to keep eating until you start to feel sick. Then you will start to sweat (aka 'here come the chili sweats') After the sweats subside you will be hungry for more chili.


Aunt Ginny's Chicken Chili

Boil approx 2lb (1 package) chicken breasts

In a large nonstick pot combine over medium heat 8-10 oz Pepperjack Cheese, and 1 Jar of Salsa. Once the cheese is melted add 1 large (or two small) jar of Great Northern White Beans.

Shred cooked chicken into pot. Add Cumin to taste. Allow to simmer 30 min.

Serve with Blue chips and Sour Cream

So good.

Can be served Taco Salad style - bed of crushed blue chips, lettuce, tomato, avocado, sour cream.

Check back for healthier choices later this week!

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